Arc Reflection Filter Megger AVO

MEGGER AVO电力电缆故障检测与诊断仪器仪表总揽

Arc Reflection Filter
Standard Arc Reflection Filter and Heavy-Duty Arc Reflection Filter (detachable)

  • Choice of standard and heavy-duty models
  • Delivers highest energy levels to the fault, improving fault locating capability
  • Designed for safe, continuous operation with appropriate companion impulse generators
  • Designed for minimum trace distortion on companion time domain reflectometers

With Arc Reflection Filters, cable faults can be located on power cables rated at up to 35 kV. Relatively small systems, such as most direct buried underground residential distribution (URD) systems, are easily satisfied with the standard filter. Larger systems, including especially long direct buried distribution cable and especially complex circuits using lead-covered cable, require much more energy (such as is made possible using the heavy-duty filter).